Tag: CrossFit Journal

Ep. 23. 02: Understanding CrossFit

Originally published in April 2007, Foundations:

The CrossFit prescription is “constantly varied, high-intensity, functional movement.” No aspect of functional movements is more important than their capacity to move large loads over long distances, and to do so quickly.

The methodology that drives CrossFit is entirely empirical. We believe that meaningful statements about safety, efficacy, and efficiency, the three most important and interdependent facets of any fitness program, can be supported only by measurable, observable, repeatable facts; i.e., data. We call this approach “evidence-based fitness.” The CrossFit methodology depends on full disclosure of methods, results, and criticisms, and we’ve employed the Internet (and various intranets) to support these values. Our charter is open source, making co-developers out of participating coaches, athletes, and trainers through a spontaneous and collaborative online community. CrossFit is empirically driven, clinically tested, and community developed.

Listen to the article on the CrossFit Podcast.


Ep. 22.03: Foundations

Originally published in April 2002, Foundations is one of those articles that CrossFit coaches should read and reread frequently. In many ways, it’s the original “beginner’s guide” to CrossFit, and the nuggets contained within it will help every CrossFit coach articulate the finer points of our program to any athlete. Listen to the article on the CrossFit Podcast.

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