In this episode, CrossFit CEO Don Faul shares how he handles the pressures of decision-making at CrossFit HQ and why he’s still chasing improvement every year. Along the way, Don reflects on the energy of the community, where the company is heading, and his years of CrossFit before becoming the CEO. Don opens up on topics that matter to the CrossFit community — like the future of CrossFit. We also get a behind-the-scenes look at his personal life — from being a dad and a CEO to trash talk at his 6 a.m. CrossFit class.

Topics Covered:

  • The 2025 CrossFit Open 
  • Decision-making as the CEO of CrossFit and managing community feedback
  • Personal stories from his family life and military days
  • The sale of CrossFit and state of the CrossFit brand

Resources Mentioned:

Community Highlight:

Brian Boucher and his wife, Gabby, opened MidState CrossFit in 2014 in Merced, California, with a goal to create a community so solid that it exists for decades to come. One of the ways Brian is making a lasting impact is through MidState CrossFit’s adaptive athlete program, which provides training for athletes with both mental and physical disabilities. His commitment to his members goes far beyond the norm — he’s known for handwriting birthday letters to all of his members. Brian’s leadership is rooted in connection, proving that CrossFit is about more than just fitness — it’s about creating a community where people build self-efficacy and find belonging.

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